All Civilzation 7 Victory types and how to get them (Civ 7)

1 month ago 8

There is no one certain way to win in Civilization 7, but knowing all the conditions will help you win quickly.

Of course, certain victory conditions are more straightforward to achieve, but they might not be the best route for you to take. You can exploit the Legacy Path options, which have four subtypes available inside the game. If you don’t like to take a direct approach, going for a Domination or Points Victory might be far more suitable.

All Victory types in Civilization 7

There are four Legacy Path Victories, which are divided into Culture, Economics, Military, and Science. First, let’s examine how to achieve these four victory conditions.

Victory TypeHow to Achieve
CultureThe main goal is to have as many Wonders at first, and then switch to Legacies as you transition through the different ages. Your Wonders will provide different boons to your civilization, which transfers to having different Relics in the Exploration Age. Finally, you’ll discover different Relics to show to the world in your Museums. Completing the tasks will help you get a fair amount of Legacy Points, and secure the win.
EconomicIf you’re more a person who loves to flaunt their riches, Economic Victory might be the best choice for you. You begin in the Antiquity Age by establishing trade routes, before settling down to expand your base further. Modern Age will allow you to further solidify your trading network by creating rail lines, which will help to connect with other civilizations.
MilitaryThe Military route is suitable for those who believes in establishing control and creating fear. The first objective is to capture as many settlements as possible, which transfers over from the Antiquity to the Exploration Age. In the Modern Age, you’ll have to take a diplomatic approach to create your own ideology, and get a high number of followers. The ultimate aim is to make the whole world believe in you like a mythical God-like character.
ScienceTo win with this route, you’ll have to rely heavily on tech. At first, you’ll have to collect codices, which will be displayed and studied in your academies. This will be followed by the use of Specialists to increase your yield, before the Modern Age will incentivize you to research flight projects, and hopefully, to outer space.

of course, it’s not necessary for you to stick to a Legacy Path Victory formula in Civilization 7. There’s the Domination Victory route, along with Points Victory method.

Victory TypeHow to Win
DominationDomination is the way to go if you want to eradicate every other civilization from existence. To do so, you’ll have to overtake every rival town and city across every aspect. Be prepared to use your military might to the fullest, along with making use of your influence. Unless you’re playing a single-age game, Domination Victory isn’t possible in the Antiquity Age. You’ll have to reach the Exploration Age, and travel across the seas (or gain the capability) to exercise the Domination option.
PointsIn Civilization 7, it’s not compulsory for either you or your opponent to achieve one of the five conditions mentioned above. Once the game reaches the final age and times out, the person with the highest number of Legacy Points will be declared as victor.

Before you can win, you’ll have to find someone to play the game with. While defeating the AI can be tough test for sure, you can also play against other human opponents withe help of multiplay.

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