Everyone's well aware of how important smoke detectors are, but there's another early-warning system every home should have. Carbon monoxide can be a real problem and it's called the "silent killer" for a reason. The lack of sound isn't the only problem, either. Carbon monoxide has no odor and is invisible, yet its ability to reduce your blood oxygen levels means it can be lethal. Matters are complicated further by the fact that the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning -- headaches, dizziness, nausea -- can often be mistaken for the flu.
You don't want to risk carbon monoxide poisoning with an old or defective monitor. Whether you're installing your first carbon monoxide detector or upgrading an existing unit, you'll want a monitor you can trust to work reliably around the clock. We've researched and tested the top options to help you find the right carbon monoxide detector for your home.
A carbon monoxide detector is necessary to help protect your household from this potentially deadly gas. The detector can alert you to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide and give you time to evacuate and, if necessary, seek medical attention.
All carbon monoxide detectors share the same basic function, though they may vary in efficacy, and additional smart features like digital displays or emergency notifications to your smartphone, as well as doubling as a smoke detector in some cases.
To help you get the best carbon monoxide detector, we put a number of popular models to the test, evaluating their ability to detect carbon monoxide at two hazardous concentration levels: 250 and 400 parts per million. Here are the best options for keeping you safe.
To put these detectors to the test, we took to the lab and built a test rig designed to measure each unit's response time to varying concentrations of carbon monoxide, specifically at 250 ppm and 400 ppm. Our goal was to determine each detector's respective effectiveness at detecting potentially hazardous levels of carbon monoxide. To declare our winners, we also took into account features that add to the overall user experience, performance and cost-efficiency of each unit.
For the 250 ppm concentration level, we try to simulate a situation where carbon monoxide has begun to build up to hazardous levels. We test twice at this concentration and average the results. At 400 ppm, we replicate a worst-case scenario, a potentially deadly situation, and give the units a pass or fail score. Spoiler alert: They will all save your life, which goes to show how important it is to have carbon monoxide detectors installed on every floor of your home.
Our custom-built carbon monoxide detector test station. It's one of the deadliest things we've ever put together in our product testing lab.
Gianmarco Chumbe/CNETThis is one of the most dangerous tests we've ever conducted. Carbon monoxide exposure is no joke. It's virtually undetectable and, well, quite deadly. We needed to create a safe way of testing carbon monoxide detectors without risking the health and safety of our laboratory staff. So I made use of my rudimentary carpentry skills and built a carbon monoxide detector test station. Its components are:
Carbon monoxide detector chamber: Made using wood, plexiglass, silicon, tape and a bunch of finish nails.
Carbon monoxide tank with gas flow regulator: Cylinder tank containing carbon monoxide at 2,500 ppm and balance air.
Testo 300 with carbon monoxide Ambient sensor: Our control device for this experiment.
Two portable carbon monoxide gas alarms.
A look at the interior of CNET's carbon monoxide detector test rig.
Gianmarco Chumbe/CNETThe chamber houses two carbon monoxide detectors, a) the CO Ambient sensor portion of our control device, the Testo 300, which is a combustion analyzer used by heating engineers who carry out installation and routine maintenance of industrial and residential heating systems, and b) the unit under test, or UUT, which takes the place of each carbon monoxide detector we tested for you. The chamber is sealed with foam but not air-tight, since we're not particularly interested in making a carbon monoxide bomb.
We use a portable carbon monoxide alarm on the gas regulator to keep a nose out for leaks.
Gianmarco Chumbe/CNETWe installed a gas flow regulator on our tank to avoid pressure spikes, followed by a gas line to feed our gas mixture into the chamber. Two additional portable carbon monoxide detectors are used. One near the valve, to ensure there are no leaks and another that must be worn by the person experimenting to make sure there is no carbon monoxide buildup in the test station area. On top of all that, our respirator suits and amply ventilated location ensure that we get a constant stream of fresh air at all times. This might all sound excessive, but it's always good laboratory practice to put safety first, especially when you're dealing with such a stealthy and prolific killer.
We start by feeding our gas mixture to the chamber and closely monitoring the carbon monoxide concentration on the Testo. Once the concentration inside our chamber reaches at least 250 ppm or 400 ppm, we stop feeding the gas and start a timer. We want to assess how long the carbon monoxide detectors take to react to those conditions. As you may understand, we wanted to limit our exposure while making sure our results were repeatable.
Our results are summarized in the interactive graph below: