Best Free GeoGuessr Alternatives in 2025

1 month ago 7

Who thought that guessing where you are in the world by looking at an image would be this fun? The makers of GeoGuessr thought so, and they were right! If you are looking to get in on the fun but don’t want to put up with ads or buy a subscription, we’ve got you covered.

Here are the best free GeoGuessr alternatives in 2025.

Best free GeoGuessr alternatives in 2025


Gameplay modes in OpenGuessrImage via OpenGuessr

If you have played the original GeoGeussr at all, you may be pleased to know that OpenGuessr offers the same experience, but for free, thanks to community donations. While there is an annoying pop-up that appears every once in a while, you can jump in and play the basic gameplay mode without spending a dime.

You can choose from several map modes, for example, urban cities only. This can make things slightly easier than being dropped in the middle of the desert.

There are also community-selected maps—such as train stations or airports, for example—if you want to play an even more specific mode. There is also multiplayer and a variety of other game modes, so if you plan on using it we recommend creating an account.

The only limitation here is that the game will still show street names, as it doesn’t use the original GeoGuessr API to filter them. But this is a small complaint for what is a great (and free) alternative.


Maps to select in GeohubImage via Geohub

This is still one of the best free alternatives to Geoguessr around. You will have to create an account before playing, unlike other options on this list, but it’s pretty quick and easy.

The game features a lot of different maps. If you are interested in guessing only countries, cities, famous landmarks, or specific places in the US or Canada, you’ll love Geohub.

You can also create and save your own maps and use them to play together with your friends, and you can take part in daily challenges against other players for a spot on the scoreboard. It also features a great menu-based interface that makes customizing a match a breeze.


Geotastic home page

This used to be one of the best free alternatives to GeoGuessr, but to use it now you’ll have to create an account and put up with ads. If you aren’t bothered too much by ads, this is still an okay alternative, even though some gameplay modes are only accessible through donations.

Still, Geotastic features many different gameplay modes, such as daily challenges and even community tournaments. If you want to be part of a solid community, this will be a great way to do it.

Players can either create a local game as part of the single-player mode or opt for an online lobby for the multiplayer option.

Guess Where You Are

Guess Where You Are mapImage via Guess Where You Are

If you are looking for a more barebones alternative to GeoGuessr, but want one that is entirely free and also features no ads, then Guess Where You Are will do the trick. The site drops you into a random spot in the world and you can start playing right away.

But there are also more gameplay modes since the game will let you access daily challenges and even community-created tournaments where you can compete for a high score. You can also hide street names once you have enough XP points to reach level 3, which will require creating an account and then diving in to guess right a few times.

Overall, while it does not offer a lot of features compared to other alternatives, this is a great option for a quick play with your friends or if you are planning to stream on Twitch.

World Guesser

A bus on a map in World GuesserImage via World Guesser

Here’s another great alternative to GeoGuessr if all you want is the basic gameplay loop. You can also get hints in this iteration of the game.

World Guesser starts out pretty easy, so don’t be surprised if you see the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty at first. It will get progressively harder after a few rounds, though.

That is all there is to this simple free alternative, no multiplayer, no other gameplay modes or custom maps. But if all you are looking for is guessing where you are, it’s a solid entry.


A map in ZoomtasticImage via Zoomtastic

Time for something a bit different. Zoomtastic uses the same idea as GeoGuessr but presents it differently. You get a zoomed-in map that, over a few seconds, will start slowly zooming out. You get presented with four different answers as to what the place is called, and you need to answer as fast as possible to get more points.

Who doesn’t love multiple-choice questions? It is, unfortunately, a bit limited, in that you can only guess countries, cities, and landmarks. There is a recently added historical-based game which is an interesting new idea.

You can also create your own game modes, so if you only want to do airports or train stations with friends, you can.


Playing Pinpoint in WorldleImage via Worldle

This is a simple alternative to GeoGuessr with no ads and no subscription-based service. Simply visit the website and get ready to guess. The catch is that you only get six rounds for free per day. You’re also allowed multiple attempts to guess, which is great if you are just learning how to play.

Also, after each round you get a little hint circle to narrow down the place and country you are looking for. Pretty useful if you are not a big fan of the frustration of the original GeoGuessr.

There are a couple of gameplay modes as well, such as Streaks where you try to rack up as many points as possible by guessing correctly consecutively. You can also customize distance and other options to make the game more or less difficult.


Outlines of the US states quizImage via Seterra

Created by GeoGuessr, this is a bit of a different game. It’s a map quiz, rather than a Google Maps-based guessing game. Still, if you love geography then you’ll enjoy this game. You can play with friends as well, all for free.

Think of it as a more kid-friendly version of GeoGuessr that helps you learn more about geography, instead of simply trying to guess where you are in the world.

Seterra has a web version for computers and mobile apps for Android and iOS. You can customize quizzes can and you select the locations you want your quiz to feature. The entire world is available across all seven continents, so get ready to learn.

Hide & Seek World

Home page to Hide & Seek onlineImage via Hide & Seek World

This multiplayer alternative has a varied and interesting selection of gameplay modes on offer, with the basic one being an iteration of hide and seek. One player hides somewhere on the map while others try to find them.

Unfortunately, its free mode is pretty limited since you only get two public games per day.

You can still join games hosted by players with a membership for free, however. If you’re interested, a membership is only a couple of dollars per month.

In other gameplay modes, you can find Wolly (the site’s mascot) around the world, while competing with up to twenty other users. It’s a great site to enjoy with friends, but as a strict alternative to GeoGuessr, it is a bit limited.


A bench in a park in CityguessrImage via Cityguessr

If you are looking for a highly simplistic (and free) alternative and the thing you like the most from GeoGuessr is just guessing cities, then Cityguessr is perfect for you. You’ll see a photo of a city in Europe (or France or the UK) and you will have to guess which city it is.

You have two minutes to guess while looking around and exploring as much as you want. You can take as many guesses as you want as well, so it’s not super strict. There are also leaderboards and… that’s it. Quite barebones, but still free and with no ads.

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