DC's Finest Are Finally Here, So Which Series Should You Read Now (and Read Later)?

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DC Comics unveiled its new line of DC’s Finest collections in 2024 to great acclaim and high sales. Similar in size and scope to Marvel’s Epic Collections, DC’s Finest brings classic stories back into print, digitally restored in affordable editions. Some of these stories have not been reprinted in decades, if ever. DC’s Finest line will allow them to shine once again.

The initial offerings of the DC’s Finest line were a mixture of the publisher’s biggest icons alongside more obscure, lesser-known characters. Whereas Marvel’s Epic Collections tend to stress its marquee heroes, DC’s Finest is not afraid to think outside the box. While DC is best known for its superheroes, DC’s Finest also showcases the publisher’s offerings in other genres, such as science fiction. Trying to find the right DC’s Finest collection can be daunting, so here are the 5 best to read now, and 5 to read later.

10 Read Now: Superman: The Coming of Superman

These Comics Are the Foundation of Not Only the DC Universe, But Superhero Comics in General

DC's Finest: The Coming of Superman


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Action Comics #1-25, Superman #1-5, New York World's Fair #1

Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster

On sale now

It is only fitting that DC kicked its new line of DC’s Finest reprints off by going back to where it all began: the earliest adventures of Superman. These stories, by Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, present a slightly different version of the Man of Steel than fans today are used to: that of a social crusader who leverages his vast powers to help the poor and downtrodden. Absent during Superman’s earliest stories are the high-concept villains, such as Lex Luthor or Metallo, that would become his trademark.

 Superman Looking Confident with the Daily Planet Logo Behind Him


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Superman has officially revealed what his favorite sport is, and in a surprising turn, it isn't one that most would expect from the Man of Steel.

The impact these first Superman stories had on the pop culture landscape cannot be overstated. Siegel and Shuster were literally creating a new genre of fiction as they went along, and the stories reprinted in The Coming of Superman are critical to modern comics. Action Comics #1 has been reprinted many times, but now fans have an opportunity to see what happens next.

9 Read Later: Peacemaker: Kill for Peace

Long Out of Print, Fans Can Now See the Beginnings of DC’s Most Unlikely Success Story

DC's Finest: Kill for Peace


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

The Fightin' 5 #40-41, Peacemaker (1967) #1-5, Peacemaker (1987) #1-5, Checkmate #16-26, 28, 32-33, Suicide Squad #27-30, Vigilante #37-38, 41-43, Eclipso #11-13

Joe Gill, Paul Kupperberg, Pat Boyette

April 1st

Thanks to the one-two punch of James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad and his own series on Max, the Peacemaker has become one of DC’s most unlikely success stories. Played by John Cena, the Peacemaker has worked his way into the hearts and minds of fans–a far cry from where he was just a decade ago, when he was better known as the inspiration for Watchmen’s the Comedian. Peacemaker’s meteoric rise in the DC Universe has been satisfying to watch. Any character can shine in the hands of the right creators, and Peacemaker is proof.

The stories in Kill for Peace, which have been out of print for a long time, laid the groundwork for the characters' rise to glory. The first several stories in this volume originate with Charlton Comics, who held the rights to the Peacemaker first. These will be of particular interest to Peacemaker fans, as will Paul Kupperberg’s reimagining of the character from the 1980s. Kupperberg’s take is dark, but Gunn took certain aspects of it for Peacemaker.

8 Read Now: The Flash: The Human Thunderbolt

The Silver Age of Comics Began In a Flash

DC's Finest: The Human Thunderbolt


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Showcase #4, 8, 13-14, The Flash #105-123

Robert Kanigher, John Broome, Carmine Infantino, Joe Kubert

On sale now

The stories in The Human Thunderbolt paved the way for a superhero renaissance: at the time of Showcase #4’s publication, the superhero genre was in a slump, but came roaring back with Barry Allen’s debut.

Another fitting early offering from the DC’s Finest line of collections, The Human Thunderbolt helped usher in a new era of comics in America: the Silver Age. The stories in The Human Thunderbolt paved the way for a superhero renaissance: at the time of Showcase #4’s publication, the superhero genre was in a slump, but came roaring back with Barry Allen’s debut. These early adventures are fun and briskly-paced, mixing wide-eyed optimism with a tinge of Cold War paranoia. In the hands of creators such as John Broome and the legendary Carmine Infantino, the Flash goes further than ever.

Flash Family DC Comics


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In addition to being the blueprint for the Silver Age of Comics, so much of Flash lore is laid down in The Human Thunderbolt. The Flash has one of the best rogues’ galleries in comics, and many of them, including Captain Cold and Gorilla Grodd, make their debut in this volume.

7 Read Later: Batgirl: Nobody Dies Tonight

The Earliest Adventures of Cassandra Cain Are Still Some of Her Best

DC's Finest: Nobody Dies Tonight


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Batgirl #7-27, Superboy #86, Supergirl #63

Kelley Puckett, Joe Kelly, Damion Scott

April 8

Batgirl: Nobody Dies Tonight is perfect for anyone curious about Batgirl Cassandra Cain. Mainstream audiences met Cassandra Cain in 2020’s Birds of Prey film. While the film was fun, it nevertheless sold Cain and her abilities a little short. Audiences curious about the real Cassandra Cain should pick up Nobody Dies Tonight: it collects Cain’s earliest adventures as Batgirl, including her first meetings with key members of the Bat-Family. When Cain debuted in the Batman family of titles in the late 1990s, she was a breath of fresh air, as she broke the traditional Batgirl mold.

Batgirl: Nobody Dies Tonight perfectly embodies the philosophy behind DC’s Finest. While the line spotlights the “big guns” like Superman, smaller, but no less compelling heroes such as Batgirl are getting their time in the light as well. Their stories are just as important to the DC Universe as Superman or Wonder Woman’s, and DC’s Finest keeps that in mind.

6 Read Now: Wonder Woman: Omens and Origins

Gail Simone’s Writing Debut on Wonder Woman Lived Up to the Hype

DC's Finest: Origins and Omens


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Wonder Woman #14-35, Outsiders: Five of a Kind--Wonder Woman/Grace #1, Brave and the Bold #7

Gail Simone, Terry Dodson, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang

On sale now

Despite being a trailblazing icon for women and girls, a woman had never been the regular writer on Wonder Woman’s monthly title until Gail Simone took over the reins in 2008. Simone hit the ground running, introducing the “Manazons,” an all-male army sworn to destroy Wonder Woman. Simone, already famous for runs on Birds of Prey and The Secret Six, brought a level of excitement to Wonder Woman that had been missing for years.

Gail Simone is currently writing Uncanny X-Men for Marvel.

Working with artists such as Terry and Rachel Dodson as well as Aaron Lopresti, Simone’s take on the character is still well-regarded by fans today, and proof that women should have been writing Wonder Woman much sooner. Now, DC’s Finest line of collections are bringing these tales back into print.

Experience the Earliest Adventures of Superman’s Newest Ally

DC's Finest: The Element Man


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Justice League of America #42, The Brave and the Bold #57-58, 66, 68, 88, 101, Metamorpho #1-17

Ramona Fradon, Sal Trapani, Bob Haney, Joe Orlando, Mike Sekowsky, Jim Aparo

June 17

Metamorpho has been a cult icon in the DC Universe since his debut 60 years ago. Soon, mainstream audiences will meet Metamorpho in James Gunn’s forthcoming Superman film, and the stories in The Element Man are the perfect introduction to this fascinating character. According to legend, Metamorpho’s creation was inspired by the characters DC’s across-town rival Marvel Comics were making. Metamorpho was different from other DC heroes of the time: his origin and attitude were darker, showing the Marvel influence. Despite the darker tones, Metamorpho’s earliest adventures are crammed with Silver Age spirit.

Metamorpho celebrates his 60th anniversary this year, and this DC’s Finest collection could not have come at a better time.

Metamorpho celebrates his 60th anniversary this year, and this DC’s Finest collection could not have come at a better time. As mentioned earlier, Metamorpho will be central to James Gunn’s Superman. He lacks the name recognition of other DC icons, and fans will be curious about him. Metamorpho: The Element Man will scratch this itch, presenting his formative adventures in an easy-to-access fashion.

4 Read Now: Justice Society of America: For America and Democracy

These Stories Present DC’s First Super Team at Their Peak

DC's Finest: For America and Democracy


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

All-Star Comics #3-12

Gardner Fox, Sheldon Mayer, Jack Burnley

On sale now

The Justice Society of America is one of comics’ most important superhero teams, and it is only appropriate that their early adventures are collected as part of DC's Finest line. First published at the height of the Golden Age of Comics, these stories pit the Society against both the Axis Powers and super-villains. This volume also reprints the landmark All-Star Comics #3, the Society’s first appearance, but seemingly omits issue 8, which was the first appearance of Wonder Woman. No reason has been given for this omission.

After debuting in 1941's All-Star Comics #8, Wonder Woman moved over to Sensation Comics a few months later before also gaining her own solo title.

Reprinting these early Justice Society adventures demonstrates the wide range of stories and eras that DC’s Finest will reprint. Marvel’s Epic Collections, which DC’s Finest is designed to compete with, only go as far back as the Silver Age. This approach works for Marvel, but for a company with such a rich history as DC, it is necessary to travel back to the Golden Age, and For America and Democracy is the perfect introduction to this era.

3 Read Later: Superboy: The Superdog From Krypton

Superman’s Best Friend Makes His Debut in These Silver Age Treasures

DC's Finest: The Superdog From Krypton


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Adventure Comics #199-216, Superboy #33-43

Otto Binder, Curt Swan, John Sikela

May 13

Krypto the Superdog is one of Superman’s best friends, and he makes his debut in The Superdog from Krypton, part of the DC’s Finest line. These stories, first published in the mid-1950s, are perfect little windows into a simpler and more wholesome time in comics, embodied in characters such as Krypto. On the surface, Krypto made no sense: he was from Krypton, but resembled an Earth dog. He could also talk and had all of Superman’s powers. Krypto should not have worked as well as he did, and he would go on to become a staple of the mythos.

Krypto persists into the modern era, and he will soon work his way into the hearts and minds of America in James Gunn’s Superman film. Mainstream audiences were not sure what to make of the Superdog from Krypton, and this volume will be the perfect introduction to Superman’s best friend.

2 Read Now: Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters

The Emerald Archer Goes Grimdark in This Landmark Series

DC's Finest: The Longbow Hunters


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters #1-3, Green Arrow #1-8, Annual 1, Detective Comics Annual #1, The Question #17-18, Annual 1

Mike Grell, Ed Hannigan, Dick Giordano

On sale now

Green Arrow has been a staple of the DC Universe since the 1940s, but moved into its upper echelons with The Longbow Hunters, first published in the late 1980s, and now reprinted as part of DC’s Finest. Legendary writer/artist Mike Grell revamped Green Arrow’s world, downplaying the superheroes as well as connections to the larger DC Universe. Grell’s Green Arrow was a street-level hero who kept the ordinary citizens of Seattle safe, and his world was dark and gritty. It was a marked departure from other depictions of Green Arrow, who is usually portrayed as happy-go-lucky.

 Green Arrow Drawing a Bow as Batman Looks on Suspiciously


10 Green Arrow Villains Who Would Make Batman Think Twice Before Crossing

Don’t be fooled by Green Arrow. He may not have as many notable foes as Batman, but the archer has villains that would challenge the Dark Knight.

Grell would eventually leave Green Arrow and the character would return to the mainstream DC Universe, but The Longbow Hunters remains one of the definitive takes on Ollie Queen. Grell’s Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters was also a massive influence on the highly successful Arrow television show, which brought much of the DC Universe to the small screen. DC’s Finest is about celebrating the company’s history, and The Longbow Hunters is an important book.

1 Read Later: Science Fiction: The Gorilla World

DC Is Proving That Everything, Even Science Fiction, is Better With Monkeys

DC's Finest: The Gorilla World


Notable Creators

On Sale Date

Action Comics #183-196, Strange Adventures #35-48, Mystery in Space #16-22

John Broome, Gardner Fox, Murphy Anderson

July 15

While today known for their superhero output, DC also published a wide range of titles in the mystery, science fiction and western genres, and The Gorilla World presents some of the best.

DC’s Finest line is showcasing the diversity of DC Comics in one of its first offerings: The Gorilla World. While today known for their superhero output, DC also published a wide range of titles in the mystery, science fiction and western genres, and The Gorilla World presents some of the best. The stories in this volume depict worlds where gorillas and other primates have taken over–years before Planet of the Apes hit movie screens. The volume will star DC heroes such as Adam Strange as well.

DC Trinity, Batman (left) Superman (center) and Wonder Woman (right) glowing as they stand in front of the sun.


25 Best DC Comics of All Time, Ranked

From Batman to Superman, the Justice League, Sandman, the Watchmen, and more, these are the greatest DC Comics stories ever told.

DC Comics’ output over the course of its 90-year history has consisted of far more than superhero fare. Many of comics’ greatest creators cut their teeth working on DC’s science fiction and horror titles, and some of them are on display in The Gorilla World.

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