"Don't miss out on this gem my gonks" Cyberpunk 2077's lead quest designer gives a big toes up to a weird mod that turns your hands into feet

1 month ago 11

We agree, Paweł Sasko, Tarantino would probably love this.

Some Cyberpunk 2077 characters with feet for hands, you know, the usual stuff. Image credit: CD Projekt/resetygk/MdseightythreE

There's now a Cyberpunk 2077 mod that swaps V's hands for a pair of feet. No, I'm not sure why. Well, actually, I might have suspicions, but to be honest I don't want to have to think about them enough to put them into words. Anyway, one of the key devs on both the original Cyberpunk and its upcoming sequel is happy that this mod exists.

To be fair, you can see why Paweł Sasko - former lead quest designer and current associate game director at CD Projekt - has given the very literally named 'V feethand' by modder Resetygk his Twitter blessing. It's very funny. If also deeply terrifying.

"Tarantino would be so proud," Sasko wrote at 11:30PM UK time on a Monday, in mod showcase tweet that's a thing because he was "Feeling creative tonight". "Don't miss out on this gem my gonks," he added, just in case you wrren't 100% clear that he's feet-ling the vibes V feethand's sitting down and kicking up right on the desk.

That was pretty much the limit of the developer's commentary - he let Resetygk's self-penned description of the mod do the rest of the talking. "Change hand to feet. dont work well but i want one," it reads. Poetry. in fact, poetry so nice, they've written it in the mod's description twice.

Anyway, if you're wondering what this weird feethands mod is like to play, PC Gamer has given it a go, and it certainly looks like it delivers a similar level of wonderfully bizarre hilarity as the Witcher 3 mod that lets you turn Geralt into a slightly janky centaur.

In case you're wondering - because against my better judgement, I was - this is far from the first feethands mod Resetygk's made. In fact, they look to be Granblue Fantasy: Relink's premiere foot-hand swapper, having made 11 different feethands mods for various characters and NPCs. You can find those here, on their modder page, alongside a work called 'No shoes feet collection'.

Why would I link that, you ask? Well, I've now had to see this weirdness due to researching this article, so it's only fair you do too.

If you're after more interesting Cyberpunk 2077 mods that're more handy and, er, less feety than this, here's one that should stop you from accidentally meeting your romantic partner's mute clone if you break into their flat instead of heading to an agreed meeting place.

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