Epic Games v. Apple: the fight for the future of the App Store

2 weeks ago 4
  • Jay Peters

    New App Store details from Phil Schiller testimony.

    Schiller wasn’t sure if Apple would be allowed to charge a fee for in-app purchases made through alternative payment methods following Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers’s Epic v. Apple ruling, according to the Associated Press. Ultimately, Apple instituted the fees.

  • Sean Hollister

    Tim Sweeney says his Epic lawsuits are all about freeing the youth:

    We want our kids to grow up in a world that’s better than this one. I grew up in an awesome world for developers and opportunity, the early days of Apple II computers and PCs, and anybody growing up, coming of age in this industry right now, is best case going to be an Apple and Google serf. That has to change. That must change.

  • Wes Davis

    Apple’s homework is due Monday no matter what, says judge

    Illustration of the App Store logo in front of a background of gavels.

    Illustration of the App Store logo in front of a background of gavels.

    Image: Cath Virginia / The Verge

    Apple, the most valuable company in the world, will have to work this weekend to meet a legal deadline on Monday. That’s after Magistrate Judge Thomas S. Hixson on Friday denied the company’s request for more time to produce 1.3 million documents related to App Store changes it made in January to comply with a 2021 court order.

    Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, who presided over the Epic lawsuit that resulted in those changes, told Apple’s legal team on May 31st it would need to produce all documents related to how it decided the new App Store rules after Epic challenged them. Document discovery was then referred to Hixson, who quoted part of a transcript from the hearing when he set Monday’s deadline back in August:

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  • Lauren Feiner

    Why Epic’s lawsuit against Apple just won’t quit

    Illustration of the App Store logo in front of a background of gavels.

    Illustration of the App Store logo in front of a background of gavels.

    Image: Cath Virginia / The Verge

  • Wes Davis

    Only 38 of 65,000 developers have applied for Apple’s outside payment links.

    Epic argues that the 27 percent fee Apple charges third-party developers violates a 2021 court order to allow outside payment links. The judge, according to Bloomberg, seems skeptical of Apple, too:

    “You’re telling me a thousand people were involved and not one of them said maybe we should consider the cost” to the developers? the judge said. “Not a single person raised that issue of the thousand that were involved?”

  • Sarah Jeong

    The judge in Epic v. Apple thinks Apple’s being shady about buttons and links

    Illustration of the App Store logo in front of a background of gavels.

    Illustration of the App Store logo in front of a background of gavels.

    Image: Cath Virginia / The Verge

  • Thomas Ricker

    Epic says Fortnite is returning to EU iPads.

    The announcement follows the EU’s ruling to treat iPadOS the same as iOS, allowing residents to download apps from outside the Apple App Store, uninstall preloaded apps, and select default services like browsers from choice screens. iPad and iPhone users outside of Europe will have to continue streaming Fortnite through a browser.

  • Thomas Ricker

    Apple and Epic are going back to court.

    If Epic’s Tim Sweeney is excited it can only mean bad news for Google or Apple. In this instance, Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers has ordered an evidentiary hearing for May 8th to explore whether Apple is “failing to abide by this Court’s injunction, which requires it to implement certain practice changes relative to in- and out-of-app purchases.”

  • Wes Davis

    Apple files its response to Epic’s latest court accusations.

    In a 37-page filing (PDF) yesterday, Apple accused Epic of asking the court to “micromanage” its business operations to Epic’s advantage, and insisted that its new fee structure is “fair and competitive in view of the substantial value Apple provides to developers.”

  • Wes Davis

    Epic asks judge to enforce the Apple App Store injunction

    An illustration of the Epic Games logo.

    An illustration of the Epic Games logo.

    Illustration: Alex Castro / The Verge

    Epic Games isn’t done with Apple. A 2021 ruling forced Apple to allow developers of App Store apps to link to outside payments, and Epic has now filed a motion asking Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers to enforce her original order.

    Epic says Apple’s updated developer policy that still reserves 27 percent of outside payments (or 12 percent for small developers) for Apple itself is still unjustified. Epic argues these fees are “essentially the same” as those the company charges for using its payments system.

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  • Jon Porter

    Apple kills Epic’s iOS game store plans over App Store criticism

    An illustration of the Epic Games logo.

    An illustration of the Epic Games logo.

    Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

    Epic’s plans to release its own third-party app store on iOS in the EU could be in trouble after Apple terminated the developer account it planned to use. In a blog post published today, the company shared a letter sent by Apple’s lawyers, which called Epic “verifiably untrustworthy” and said Apple does not believe that Epic will comply with its contractual commitments under its developer agreement.

    “Please be advised that Apple has, effective immediately, terminated the Developer Program membership of Epic Games Sweden AB,” the letter — which is dated March 2nd — states. It cites Apple’s “contractual right” to terminate its Developer Program License Agreement with the company at “Apple’s sole discretion.”

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  • Wes Davis

    Epic preps its challenge to Apple’s ‘bad-faith’ outside payments changes

    Image of the Apple logo surrounded by gray, pink, and green outlines

    Image of the Apple logo surrounded by gray, pink, and green outlines

    Illustration by Nick Barclay / The Verge

    Epic is not pleased with how Apple has responded to court orders. It thinks Apple’s new 27 percent tax on developers that link to non-Apple payment methods defies a court order to let developers provide those links and yesterday notified the court that it plans to lay out exactly how.

    To refresh, District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ordered Apple in 2021 to let developers link to outside payment methods, and it immediately appealed (despite having called it a “resounding victory”). Apple’s final appeal of the court order was denied earlier this month, and the company was forced to change its tune on in-app payments. But it barely did so — the 27 percent commission isn’t much less than Apple’s 30 percent in-app payments fee, while other requirements for allowing outside payment links are so onerous that developers may not want to do so. For instance, developers will have to create transaction reports for Apple every 15 days so the company can make sure it’s getting its money.

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  • Emma Roth

    Apple thought it dealt with Epic v. Apple — has it really?

    An illustration of the App Store logo.

    An illustration of the App Store logo.

    Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

    Almost three years after the Epic v. Apple trial reached its conclusion, Apple is finally following a court order to let app developers link to outside payment methods. But its solution is being met with backlash.

    Apple is giving developers the green light to send app users outside the built-in iOS payment system for the first time, following the instructions of a California court ruling in 2021. Under the terms of the injunction, Apple can’t prevent developers from including links, buttons, and other calls to action that direct users to outside payment methods. In a filing outlining the changes, Apple says it has “fully complied” with the order — but has it really?

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  • Thomas Ricker

    Apple offers Epic “extremely generous” discount on $81,560,362 legal bill.

    In a January 16th filing, Apple asked the court to award it $73,404,326 in relief to cover its out-of-pocket expenses, lawyer fees, and other costs arising from Epic’s lawsuit. A bargain, if you ask Apple:

    Although it would be reasonable for Apple to seek the total amount of its Losses in this matter, it has provided a 10% discount in recognition of Epic’s win on one out of ten of its claims. This 10% overall reduction is extremely generous, given the undisputed fact that the UCL claim did not constitute nearly 10% of the litigation, as this Court recognized.


  • Jay Peters

    Apple’s App Store policies now let US developers link to outside payments

    An illustration of the Apple logo.

    An illustration of the Apple logo.

    Illustration: The Verge

    Apple has updated its App Store policies to spell out how developers can link to outside payment platforms, as reported by 9to5Mac. Developers will still owe Apple a cut if they use an outside payment platform. Apple will take a 27 percent cut (as opposed to the 30 percent in many cases) or 12 percent if a developer is part of the App Store Small Business Program, according to a support page about external purchase links.

    Section 3.1.1(a) of the App Store Review Guidelines lays down more of the new rules for developers who want to link to alternative payment methods, like how they have to apply for an “entitlement” to enable them. Developers also can’t exclusively receive payments from outside Apple’s walled garden; they’ll also have to offer Apple’s in-app purchase system in their apps.

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  • Adi Robertson

    Supreme Court rejects Epic v. Apple antitrust case

    Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

    The Supreme Court has denied a request to hear an antitrust dispute between Apple and Fortnite publisher Epic Games. It rejected two petitions, one from each company, this morning — leaving the case largely, but not entirely, a win for Apple.

    Epic v. Apple began in 2020 after Epic implemented its own payment system for Fortnite’s virtual currency, bypassing Apple’s commission on in-app purchases. Apple banned Epic from its iOS App Store and Epic filed a lawsuit in response, claiming the App Store — and Apple’s overall walled-garden approach to iOS — violated US antitrust laws. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers rejected most of Apple’s claims and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals largely affirmed the decision.

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  • Richard Lawler

    Apple also wants the Supreme Court to rule on its antitrust case vs. Epic Games.

    Now, on Thursday, Apple submitted its own request, linked below, seeking a review to throw out the judge’s requirement that it change App Store rules barring developers from telling users about other payment options.

  • Richard Lawler

    Epic Games asks the Supreme Court to hear its case against Apple’s App Store rules

    An illustration of the Epic Games logo.

    An illustration of the Epic Games logo.

    Illustration: Alex Castro / The Verge

    After years of back-and-forth battling between Fortnite publisher Epic Games and Apple, the gaming company filed a writ of certiorari asking the US Supreme Court to review a lower court ruling in their antitrust case. Epic has argued that Apple unfairly monopolizes the mobile app space with iOS and its in-app purchasing system, thereby making billions on commissions.

    Epic is asking the Supreme Court to review its case by way of clarifying points of antitrust law that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals relied on in making its ruling in April. On Thursday, Reuters reported Apple has filed an argument (PDF) asking the Supreme Court to throw out the order from the lower courts that requires changes to its App Store rules.

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  • Adi Robertson

    Supreme Court says Apple can keep its App Store payment rules for now

    Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

    The Supreme Court has rejected Fortnite publisher Epic’s request to make Apple loosen its App Store rules as a legal battle progresses. As first reported by Bloomberg and Reuters, Justice Elena Kagan declined to vacate a stay on a lower court order about Apple’s anti-steering rules, which limit how iOS app developers can direct users to alternate payment methods. Kagan did not issue an explanation for the decision, but Epic’s petition was noted as denied on the Supreme Court’s website.

    The district court order was one of Epic’s limited wins in a high-profile antitrust case over iOS App Store in-app purchase fees. A judge determined that Apple had violated California’s Unfair Competition Law by preventing developers from using links to direct users to payment methods outside the App Store.

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  • Richard Lawler

    Apple can delay App Store changes to file Supreme Court plea

    An illustration of the Apple logo.

    An illustration of the Apple logo.

    Illustration: The Verge

    On Monday, Apple was granted a motion putting a hold on the appeals court ruling that would push the company to undo its “anti-steering” rules and let outside developers link to third-party payment mechanisms. The mandate is stayed for 90 days so Apple can file its request that the Supreme Court take up the case.

    Apple’s anti-steering rules limit how developers can direct users to subscription or in-app purchase payments outside Apple’s App Store ecosystem, where it takes a cut of revenue. A district court found that Apple had not generally violated antitrust law with its “walled garden” approach to iOS, but it ordered it to drop rules against letting developers include “calls to action” for outside payment methods.

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  • Jay Peters

    Apple is going to ask the Supreme Court to hear its appeal of the ruling in Epic Games v. Apple.

  • Adi Robertson

    Apple’s App Store can stay closed, but developers can link to outside payments, says appeals court

    Green backdrop, black apple logo, apple leaves surrounding

    Green backdrop, black apple logo, apple leaves surrounding

    Illustration: The Verge

    An appeals court has upheld the status quo in Epic’s antitrust lawsuit against Apple, affirming a decision that was largely a victory for Apple. In a ruling delivered on Monday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that Apple’s closed App Store and security restrictions didn’t violate antitrust law but that Apple couldn’t maintain anti-steering rules that prevent users from learning about alternate payment options.

    Apple spokesperson Marni Goldberg provided The Verge with the following statement:

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  • Jay Peters

    Epic largely lost to Apple, but 35 states are now backing its fight in a higher court

    Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

    Epic Games may have largely lost its major lawsuit against Apple, but it’s not going out without a fight — and it has some major support in its corner. Soon after the Epic Games v. Apple ruling was issued, Epic appealed, and on January 27th, a large number of organizations filed amicus briefs in support of Epic’s battle, including a coalition of 35 state attorneys general, Microsoft, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

    During the fight, Epic was trying to make the case that Apple has a monopoly over iOS apps, and was asking for changes that would effectively force Apple to take a smaller percentage of all the transactions that go through that store. If Epic were successful in pushing Apple to accept alternate payment processors, for instance, it could dramatically change how Apple, the most profitable company in the world, operates its highly lucrative App Store. In the original case, the judge ultimately ruled in favor of Apple in nine of ten counts Epic brought against it, but both Epic and Apple appealed the parts that they lost.

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  • Russell Brandom

    Epic pushes to overturn App Store ruling in opening appeal brief

    Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

    Epic Games has filed its opening brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, seeking to overturn the previous ruling that Apple’s control over the iOS App Store does not qualify as a monopoly. The company first gave notice of it appeal in September, but Thursday’s filing is the first time it has laid out its argument at length.

    “Epic proved at trial that Apple retrains trade...by contractually requiring developers to exclusively use Apple’s App Store to distribute apps and Apple’s IAP for payments for digital content within apps,” the filing reads. “If not overturned, [the district court] decision would upend established principles of antitrust law and...undermine sound antitrust policy.”

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  • Russell Brandom

    Epic v. Apple ruling put on hold after appeals court grants a stay

    Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

    An appeals court has paused one of the most consequential parts of the Epic v. Apple ruling, placing a stay on the enforcement of the injunction issued by the lower court. As a result of the stay, Apple can maintain its IAP system as the sole source of in-app payments on iOS, despite the district court’s earlier ruling that the exclusive arrangement is illegal.

    The stay, issued Wednesday afternoon, does not reverse the earlier ruling but puts enforcement on hold until the appeals court can fully hear the case, a process that will likely take months.

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