We're all looking at you in the face of this Illuminate mucking about, DickBallsley.
You know how how Helldivers 2's Meridia black hole has been doing a thing recently? Well, it's looking like it's close to running into the first planet that's standing in the way of its dark energy-powered path towards Super Earth.
Don't worry, though. Amid harebrained plans to push an entire world out of the way by nudging it with their super destroyers, it looks like one group of players have found a hero they're going full Bonnie Tyler on. Well, for at least five minutes in a Reddit thread.
"It's getting quite close...", "Guys I got a crazy idea, but we’re going to need everybody", and "F in chat for Angel's Venture" have all been the titles of posts on the Helldivers 2 subreddit over the past 24 hours, as folks have watched the Meridian singularity home in on the planet of, well, Angel's Venture.
This innocent little ball, currently home to no major enemy force and exactly one helldiver as of writing (according to this live HD2 galaxy map) looks to be in the verge of being black holed. Players are putting plenty of effort into holding off Illuiminate assaults in the latest major order, with those being what's propelling Meridia forwards, but it seems like it's not enough.
Enter a load of divers being a bit sad about potentially seeing one of the first planets they set foot on being - well, whatever happens when a singularity loves a planet very much. It's fine though, in one thread, folks have found a hero to believe in during these very purple times.
"Y’all acting as if I would let that happen", declared Reddit user DickBallsley the moment they saw what was going on with Meridia and the thing it's seemingly about to unleash its inner Pac-Man on. Cue a bunch of replies in the same thread reiterating the good word: "Don't worry guys, u/DickBallsley won't let that happen", "I might be scared if we didn't have u/DickBallsey", and "Be the next General Brasch u/DickBallsley".
Truly inspirational stuff. Here's hoping PenisTesticlesley can step up and back up the faith being placed in them. If they don't, Angel's Venture could end up spaghettified. If you're planning to dive in and help them, you'll want to check out what Helldivers 2's latest patch has done to a couple of new guns.