Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Complete Echo Conch quest guide

1 month ago 7

While exploring Friendship Island in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you’ll come across a few secrets that, when picked up, spark quests. A few of these require you to return items to their original owners, although details of who those original owners are aren’t exactly forthcoming. 

One of these “Around the Island” quests involves Echo Conch shells. There are a total of 10 to find hidden throughout the many locations of Friendship Island, and you’re given no more than a cryptic clue to help figure out who they belong to. 

Some are obvious just from their appearance, but others pose more of a challenge. Here’s where to find each Echo Conch, and who to return them back to. 

Spooky Swamp Echo Conches

Spooky Swamp Echo Conch locations in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

There are two Echo conches to find in the Spooky Swamp, both of which are located pretty close together and, therefore, easy to gather up.

Green Echo Conch

Keroppi and the Green Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

The Green Echo Conch is likely to be one of the first you locate, and it can be found in the leaves of a tree close to Visitor Cabin #3 in the Spooky Swamp. This Echo Conch belongs to Keroppi.

Orange Echo Conch

Retsuko and the Orange Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

Once you’ve picked up the Green Echo Conch, head north and locate the Orange one on the cliffs to the right of the entrance to the “Tricky Triangulation” puzzle room. To complete this quest, return the Orange Echo Conch to Retsuko.

Rainbow Reef Echo Conches

Rainbow Reef Echo Conch locations in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

There are a total of three Echo Conches to find within the watery confines of Rainbow Reef. The easiest way to gather them up in one go is by traveling to the Comedy Club and then heading north to the Pink Echo Conch, then turning west to gather up the other two. 

It goes without saying that you’ll need to complete Keroppi’s level 1 quest to get some Flippers and Kuromi’s level 6 quest to get a Snorkel before you can find any of these Echo Conches.

Pink Echo Conch

My Melody and the Pink Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

North of the Comedy Club, just inside the Kelp Maze, there are some columns of rock that extend upwards and out of the water. The Pink Echo Conch is on top of the first column you’ll get to if you’re coming from the Comedy Club, above the surface of the water. The rightful owner of the Pink Echo Conch is My Melody.

Yellow Echo Conch

Pekkle and the Yellow Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

Head west from where you found the Pink Echo Conch, and on the other side of the Kelp Maze, right on the seafloor, you’ll find the Yellow Echo Conch resting against the cliff edge. To complete this quest, return the Yellow Echo Conch to Pekkle.

White Echo Conch

Badzt-maru and the Blue Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

Possibly one of the easiest Echo Conches to find, the White Echo Conch is located on top of the coral close to the Sunken Ship Mailbox. This Echo Conch belongs to Badtz-maru, so return it to him to complete this quest. 

Mount Hothead Echo Conches

Mount Hothead Echo Conch locations in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

Like Rainbow Reef, Mount Hothead also offers three Echo Conches to be found. To find all of them, you’ll need to reach at least level 7 with Retsuko so that you can unlock higher levels of the volcano, although it may be possible to jump your way up the cliff side if you have the guts to try. 

Blue Echo Conch

Chococat and the Blue Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

The Blue Echo Conch is the highest up the volcano of the three Mount Hothead Conches and might be the last one you manage to locate. It can be found on a small shelf to the right side of Mount Hothead itself, close to the Caldera. Once found, return this Echo Conch to Chococat to complete the quest. 

Red Echo Conch

Hello Kitty and the Red Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

You’ll need both the Flippers and the Snorkel to find the Red Echo Conch because it’s located underwater between Mount Hothead and Gemstone Mountain. If you’ve already found the entrance to Merry Meadow, the Red Echo Conch is located in the water beneath. The rightful owner of this Conch is Hello Kitty

Brown Echo Conch

Pompompurin and the Brown Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

Once you’ve made it up to the first level of the volcano, where Retsuko usually appears on the map, you’ll be able to find the Brown Echo Conch. Use the Mailbox there, and keep heading to the left until you come to the stacked pools of lava at the end; the Brown Echo Conch will be there waiting for you. This Echo Conch belongs to Pompompurin.

Gemstone Mountain Echo Conches

Gemstone Mountain Echo Conch locations in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

To round up our total to a nice round 10, there are two more Echo Conches available to find on Gemstone Mountain. These are both pretty easy to locate and at most, you’ll only need Flippers to pick them both up. 

Sky Echo Conch

Tuxedosam and the Sky Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

To find the Sky Echo Conch, you’ll need to travel to the far northeast of Gemstone Mountain until you locate the entrance to Icy Peak. To the right of this entrance, there’s a small pond, and the Sky Echo Conch is lying on the bottom. Once you’ve grabbed it, take it to Tuxedosam to complete the quest. 

Purple Echo Conch

Kuromi and the Purple Echo Conch in Hello Kitty Island AdventureImage by Destructoid

The Purple Echo Conch is pretty easy to overlook if you’re not seeking it out, but it’s located in the middle of Gemstone Mountain behind Visitor Cabin #4. When you’ve grabbed this tenth and final Echo Conch, take it to Kuromi to complete the final Echo Conch quest in Island Adventure

Echo Conch quest rewards

Decorative Conches in Hello Kitty Island AdventureScreenshot by Destructoid

Once you’ve found an Echo Conch and returned it to its rightful owner, you’ll unlock Crafting Plans for a decorative version of that Echo Conch:

  • Decorative Keroppi Conch (Green)
  • Decorative Retsuko Conch (Orange)
  • Decorative My Melody Conch (Pink)
  • Decorative Pekkly Conch (Yellow)
  • Decorative Badtz-maru Conch (White)
  • Decorative Chococat Conch (Blue)
  • Decorative Hello Kitty Conch (Red)
  • Decorative Pompompurin Conch (Brown)
  • Decorative Tuxedosam Conch (Sky)
  • Decorative Kuromi Conch (Purple)

Each individual Decorative Conch costs the same 50 Seashells to make, and you’ll need 500 gathered Seashells to make all of the Decorative Conches.

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