How To Complete All Legacy Paths In Civ 7's Exploration Age

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As you make the first transition between Ages in a campaign of Sid Meier's Civilization 7, the Exploration Age presents a whole new set of Legacy Paths. Three of the four Legacy Paths are primarily focused on venturing across Deep Ocean terrain to discover new continents, convert Settlements to your religion, and establish Treasure Fleets on valuable Resources. The Four Legacy Paths in Exploration are Toshakhana (Culture), Enlightenment (Science), Non Sufficit Orbis (Military), and Treasure Fleets (Economic).

Legacy Paths in the Exploration Age can typically be accomplished simultaneously; just be sure to mind Age progression and prioritize whatever given path will give you the best chance of a victory in the Modern Age. These Legacy Paths are slightly more complex than those in Civ 7's Antiquity Age, and will take a bit more planning to pull off efficiently. Each of these Legacy Paths results in a Golden Age (just as the Antiquity Age did), which rewards a unique bonus in the Modern Age.

Display Relics For The Cultural Path In Exploration

Toshakana: Display 12 Relics In Your Empire

Cultural Legacy Path Exploration Age menu in Civ 7

The Cultural Legacy Path in the Exploration Age is Toshakhana, which requires 12 Relics to be displayed in your empire. This might sound straightforward enough, but requires establishing a Religion in Civ 7 and sending Religious units out to convert Settlements from opposing civilizations. Once you've unlocked the Piety Civic, you'll be able to establish a Religion and select a Reliquary Belief. This is a critical decision that will shape your strategy for the entirety of the Exploration Age, so choose a Reliquary Belief wisely. These Beliefs award Relics for converting a specific type of Settlement to your Religion.

The Toshakhana Golden Age bonus lets you keep the effects from your Religion's Founder Beliefs, so do your best to fill all three Founder Belief slots by the end of the Age.

Apostolism awards two Relics for the first-time conversion of another civilization's Settlement that contains a Wonder of any Age. Other Reliquary Beliefs are focused on Civ 7's Distant Lands; converting Settlements to your Religion will increase Non Sufficit Orbis points when they are eventually conquered. Choosing a Reliquary Belief such as Evangelism makes it possible to earn points toward both the Cultural and Military Legacy Paths simultaneously by converting and conquering Settlements in the Distant Lands. Be sure to construct enough buildings with Great Work slots to house all 12 Relics, and remember Great Works can be lost to pillaging.

Conquer Distant Land Settlements For The Military Path In Exploration

Non Sufficit Orbis: Gain 12 Points From Settlements In The Distant Lands

The Military Legacy Path in the Exploration Age, Non Sufficit Orbis, can be completed by gaining 12 points from Settlements in the Distant Lands. One point is earned for establishing your own Settlement or converting a City-State, two points are earned for conquering a Settlement, and four points can be earned for conquering a Settlement that has been converted to your Religion. Clearly, there is a massive incentive to conquer converted Settlements, as this will minimize Settlement count and maximize Non Sufficit Orbis points. Points can be earned for conquering and razing Settlements, which can help maintain the Settlement limit.

Mongolia has a unique Non Sufficit Orbis ability that earns them one point per conquered Settlement on their home continent (and Distant Land Settlements), but they don't benefit from the Religion point bonus.

The Non Sufficit Orbis Golden Age awards one infantry and ranged unit in each of your Distant Land Settlements at the start of the Modern Age, while reaching the penultimate milestone awards the Land of Opportunity bonus, which provides +10 Production to Settlements in the Distant Lands in the Modern Age. You'll need to decide on a strategy for how to approach the Distant Lands and whether you'll be utilizing Religion, razing Settlements, taking advantage of Independent Powers, or some combination of tactics. Regardless of methodology, keep an eye on your Settlement limit and increase it as necessary with the appropriate Civics.

Return Treasures For The Economic Path In Exploration

Treasure Fleets: Gain 30 Points For Returning Distant Land Treasures

Treasure Fleets menu in Civ 7

The Economic Legacy Path in the Exploration Age requires you to travel into the Distant Lands to establish Treasure Fleets. These are created by establishing or conquering a Settlement containing Treasure Resources, improving them, and building a Fishing Quay to spawn Treasure Fleets. This is a complicated Legacy Path, and can be accomplished with a range of strategies. Treasure Fleets will spawn after a set number of turns, then need to travel to the home continent to drop off their booty. Fleets can hold multiple resources each run, so the more Treasure Resources in a Settlement, the better.

Civ 7 Antiquity Age Legacy Paths Cover Image With Hatshesput


How To Complete All Legacy Paths In Civ 7's Antiquity Age

The four Legacy Paths in Civilization 7's Antiquity Age include the Cultural Wonders of the Ancient World and Military Pax Imperatoria.

Distance from the homeland is an important consideration here, and establishing Settlements with few Resources that are within one or two turns might be just as effective a strategy as a faraway Settlement with a plethora of Resources. The Treasure Fleet Golden Age preserves cities through the Age transition, but also increases Population in Distant Land Settlements by two, which is a major advantage in the Modern Age. If you're venturing into the Distant Lands for any of the other Legacy Paths, it's worth returning at least a few Treasure Fleets as these also award Gold.

Place Specialists For The Scientific Path In Exploration

Enlightenment: Have 5 Districts With 40 Yield Each

The Scientific Legacy Path in the Exploration Age is the Enlightenment, which requires 40 yield in five Districts that are not the City Center. This is achieved by placing Specialists in Urban Tiles where yields are maximized, primarily through adjacency bonuses. The Enlightenment Legacy Path stands apart from the other paths in this Age in that it encourages dense urban development as opposed to adventures into the Distant Lands. This path will require players to expand the Specialist Limit in cities through Technology research to maximize individual tile yields.

Civ 7 Antiquity Age Civic Trees Cover Image with Xerxes and Ashoka


Civ 7: All Antiquity Age Unique Civic Trees & How To Use Them

Civilization 7 has ten Antiquity Age civilizations, each with their own unique Civic Trees that provide one-of-a-kind bonuses and effects.

The Enlightenment Golden Age turns all Universities into Golden Age Universities, allowing them to retain their yields, bonuses, and effects into the Modern Age. This will give you a serious Science boost at the start of the Modern Age, especially if you build a University in as many cities as possible. Overall, each of the Legacy Paths in Civilization 7 requires a specialized approach and strategy, but many of them can be pursued simultaneously.


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Released February 11, 2025


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