How to complete Miri Fajta and find Marika in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

1 month ago 22

In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, after arriving at the Nomad’s Camp and speaking to Voivode, you’ll learn that his daughter, Marika, has gone missing. He’ll tell you that she was last seen with Bozhena. Outside of this, it’s a complete mystery. Here’s how to complete Miri Fajta and find Marika.

KCD2 Miri Fajta quest walkthrough

You’ll initially start Miri Fajta by talking to the Nomad Camp’s Voivode, who tells you his daughter, Marika, has suddenly vanished. It’s been two days since anyone’s seen her, but all they found was her tracks past Bozhena’s hut toward Apollonia.

You have two choices: go to Bozhena for more information or search Marika’s tent for more clues. She has a small tent next to Aranka’s, now with a bunch of cloth strewn around the floor. You’ll find her scarf next to a chest, which serves as a helpful clue later in the quest.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Marika tentScreenshot by Destructoid
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Marika ScarfScreenshot by Destructoid

With Marika’s scarf in hand, head to Bozhena’s cabin to learn more about Marika’s whereabouts. You’ll learn that she visited the herbwoman with her lover before traveling to Apollonia. However, beyond a quest circle, the only hint you have is that you’re looking for a valley with two large boulders and a small one in the middle.

Where to find Marika in KCD2

Marika is located within a cave in Apollonia. As you approach the quest marker from the west side, you’ll notice blood splatters on the ground leading down a path, with bloody clothing scattered about as you get closer. Once you turn a corner, you’ll spot Bozhena’s hint — in this case, a boulder between two large cliffs — that’ll bring you right to Marika and her lover.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Marika cave mapScreenshot by Destructoid

If you’ve completed Mutt’s quest and reunited with him, you can use him to track Marika’s scent using her scarf. He’ll lead you to the exact ravine where she and her lover are staying, making the search much easier. Otherwise, if you’ve yet to find him, you can head to the map location above to encounter her.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Marika cave entranceScreenshot by Destructoid

As you enter the cave, you’ll find Marika eating while an injured Bohush is on the ground. Talk to Marika to learn more about her predicament: It turns out that Marika voluntarily ran away, as her family, including Voivide, isn’t completely innocent in this situation.

She’ll ask you to return to the Nomad’s Camp to get assistance from her mother. If your Survival skills are high, you can help Bohush yourself. Failing the interaction loses your reputation with Marika, but there aren’t any major consequences beyond this. You can also give Marika her scarf for a reputation boost.

Now that you’ve found Marika, it’s time to return to the Nomad’s Camp and help Bohush recover. You can fast-travel to locations like Zhelejov or Semine to make the trip easier, but it’ll be a lengthy walk regardless.

If you want, you can jump straight into asking Voivode about the amulet or talk to Aranka first to get some Marigold and bandages. She’ll recommend obtaining some Comfrey if his situation is dire, which you can find in Troskowitz. Since Troskowitz is on the way to Apollonia, we’ll keep this location in mind for later.

How to get Voivode’s Amulet in KCD2

Once you’re ready to talk to Voivode, he’ll reveal his side of the story, matching what Marika told you in the cave. Before he’ll give you the amulet, he requests your help freeing his son Tibor from captivity in Semine. Since he and his family aren’t welcome there anymore, you’re the only one he now trusts to handle the situation. As a bonus, if you run out of Marigold at any point, you’ll find more on your way here.

Rescuing Tibor

Upon arriving in Semine, you’ll quickly realize Bohush and Marika’s situation is the talk of the town. Most characters will know about Tibor, telling you the Saddler’s workers captured him. You’ll find a new marker in the southwestern part of town.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Saddler mapScreenshot by Destructoid

However, no one wants to get involved in this situation, forcing you to save Tibor yourself. You can do this in two ways: Talk to the workers at the Saddler or sneak into the barn and free Tibor yourself.

If you try to talk to the Saddler, he won’t give you any information and will tell you not to delve deeper. Instead, you’ll want to talk to either Guildsman Janek or the Hired Hand near the barn, who’ll reveal they’ve tied Tibor up and locked him in the barn. As you continue to pry, the NPC will question why they’d let him go, leading to the following Speech checks:

  • Let him go, now! (Intimidation)
  • Do you want more blood on your hands? (Persuasion)
  • What if I paid you?
  • I was just asking.

The choices may differ slightly depending on who you talk to, but either way, you’ll have some persuasion options that can convince them to tell you where the key to the barn is. However, failing these will result in a fight between you and the Saddler workers, so be prepared for that possibility. At this point of the story, I had Persuasion level eight and was able to pass the second option’s check just fine.

If you succeed the check, Guildsman Janek or the Hired Hand will tell you there’s a key on a crate that’ll unlock the barn door where Tibor is held captive. Entering this area is trespassing, but as long as you’re somewhat sneaky and don’t let anyone see you, you won’t run into too many problems.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Tibor in the barnScreenshot by Destructoid

Alternatively, you can sneak into the barn to free Tibor yourself. There’s always someone guarding it during the day, but if you sneak around the back and jump through a window, you can rescue him without too many issues. Either way, freeing Tibor will lead to the two of you escaping out a window into a nearby forest.

Untie Gejza’s body

Before returning to the Nomad’s Camp, you’ll need to free Gejza’s body and bury it to honor his demise. To do this, head west of Semine toward a nearby woodcutter’s camp and talk to any of the nearby woodcutter’s to be redirected to the foreman. After some back and forth, you’ll have some persuasion options regarding Gejza’s burial:

  • I’ll pay for him.
  • Try and stop me. (Intimidation)
  • He’ll be haunting you! (Persuasion)
  • I think I’ll be on my way.
KCD2 dialogue about GejzaScreenshot by Destructoid

This one’s slightly tougher to convince than the previous NPCs, and will also result in a fight if you lose. Regardless of whether you persuade them, pay, or fight your way through, you’ll find Gejza’s body directly west of the woodcutter’s camp, were you can untie him and carry him to the burial site. They’ll be grateful for your help, and the four of you will return to the Nomad’s Camp.

Where to find Voivode’s Letter of Safe Conduct in KCD2

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Voivode's letter inside tree at Well markerScreenshot by Destructoid
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Voivode's letter mapScreenshot by Destructoid

Voivode’s Letter of Safe Conduct is directly north of Marika’s cave, inside a tree’s trunk. After returning to Marika and telling her about the situation, she’ll tell you about a well with a hollowed out tree next to it. Searching this tree will give you the letter.

Although we’re approaching the end of the Miri Fajta quest, Voivode first reveals some more information: he can’t give you the amulet without having the letter of safe conduct be originally got from the Emperor. Marika took this letter from him and asks you to retrieve it from her. It’s time to return to Apollonia.

Before going back, though, make sure you have Marigold and Comfrey for Marika and Bohush. You’ll find both in Troskowitz in the Apothecary’s herb garden.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Comfrey in Apothecary's herb gardenScreenshot by Destructoid

Once you arrive in Apollonia, you’ll find wolves around the cave’s entrance. Although you can try to steer them away from the entrance and jump in, your best bet is to defend against them until they run away. After handling them, talk to Marika to learn about the letter’s location.

Following the quest markers, you’ll arrive next to a stream with a well nearby. If you don’t spot it right away, look for a small puddle of water with a bucket next to it and a “Well” marker. You’ll find a tree next to it that you can interact with to receive the letter.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Voivode's letter inside tree at Well markerScreenshot by Destructoid

From here, you can experience multiple endings for the Miri Fajta quest. While we’ll primarily focus on the most positive ending, I’ll briefly mention the others as well.

All Miri Fajta quest endings in KCD2

Once you have the Letter of Safe Conduct, head back to the Nomad’s Camp and talk to the Voivode. From here, you have several options that’ll influence your ending.

Betraying Marika

If you choose “Here’s the letter, to hell with Marika,” you’ll complete the quest without bringing Marika back to the Nomad’s Camp. The Voivode will give you 85 Groschen as a reward without you having to return to Marika. However, the Voivode will be upset about it later, and Aranka will, understandably, be upset about never seeing her daughter again.

Help Marika

Instead, if you want to help Marika and still receive a reward, talk to Aranka first. She’ll tell you the Voivode enjoys engaging in bets and that you can use this to win the amulet. Once you talk to the Voivode about it, he’s initially reluctant, but after some pushing, he agrees to it as long as Tibor is the one who represents him.

Once the bet begins, you’ll take part in up to three competitions:

  • Horse riding
  • Unarmed combat
  • Dice

If you manage to win the first two matches, you’ll automatically win without playing Dice. Otherwise, you’ll need to brush up on your Dice skills and have some good luck to get the amulet.

Of these three competitions, horse riding is the most challenging, as Tibor’s horse is pretty fast. Going with the horse the Voivode gives you won’t work, as Tibor’s will fly past with no hope of catching up. That is, unless you resort to cheating. You have two options for winning the race:

  1. Drug Tibor’s horse
  2. Get a better horse
KCD2 using a potion on Tibor's HorseScreenshot by Destructoid

If you have one of the game’s best horses already, you won’t have to worry about Tibor’s outpacing you unless you mess up on pathing. Otherwise, talk to Aranka to get a potion you can pour into the horse’s trough to give it a stomachache, making it much easier to win the race.

You can use a similar strategy for the second match with Tibor. While you can fight him fair and square, you can ask Aranka for a sleep potion to pour into Tibor’s drink to make him sleepy. That way, he’ll be sluggish, making it much easier to defeat him.

KCD2 using a potion on Tibor's drinkScreenshot by Destructoid

If you lost either of these matches, you’ll have to take part in a Dice match with the Voivode himself. This is mostly luck-based, but you can ask Aranka for a special dice to make things easier. Aside from this, the rules and mechanics are the same as any typical Dice game.

Once you win two of the three matches, the Voivode will personally visit Marika. After a sweet conversation between the two, you’ll return to the camp, wrapping up Kingdom Come Deliverance 2’s Miri Fajta quest.

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