How to Get Umbreon in Pokemon Go

1 month ago 7

Of all the Pokémon currently available to catch or evolve in Pokémon GO, perhaps none are more popular than the Eeveelutions. These fan favorites are always sought after, and each of them evolves in specific ways depending on which Eeveelution you want to end up with. 

Umbreon, the Dark type Eeveelution, is a particularly beloved variant. Its black and yellow (or black and blue, if you’re lucky enough to get a shiny) color scheme is striking, and it comes with a powerful move set that makes it an asset to any Pokémon trainer. 

How to get Umbreon in Pokémon GO

If you want to get Umbreon in Pokémon GO, there are two methods that will guarantee its addition to your Pokédex. Here’s how you can get Umbreon. 

Method #1 – Naming tricks

Eevee named Tamao to get Umbreon in Pokémon GOScreenshot by Destructoid

If you’re relatively new to Pokémon GO and this is your first attempt to get an Umbreon at your side, then you’re in luck, because there is a staggeringly easy way to guarantee your Eevee will evolve into Umbreon. All you need to do is give it a specific name. 

There’s a name for each Eeveelution:

  • Vaporeon – Rainer
  • Jolteon – Sparky
  • Flareon – Pyro
  • Umbreon – Tamao
  • Espeon – Sakura
  • Leafeon – Linnea
  • Glaceon – Rea
  • Sylveon – Kira

To change your Eevee’s name, select the Eevee you want to evolve from within the list of captured Pokémon, then select their name. You can change the name of any Pokémon to anything you like, but for this purpose, you need to change your Eevee’s name to “Tamao”

Provided this is your first time attempting this trick, the silhouette next to the “Evolve” button should change to one that looks like Umbreon. You can now evolve with the guarantee of getting your very first Umbreon. 

Method #2 – Walking to evolve

Having Eevee as a buddy in Pokémon GOScreenshot by Destructoid

The whole premise of Pokémon GO is to get you out of the house and walking, and the second way to get an Umbreon really plays on that fact. If you’ve already used the above-mentioned naming trick, you’ll need to go for a really long walk. Or lots of short ones, they all add up in the end. 

To complete the “proper” way to get an Umbreon, you’ll need to set an Eevee as your buddy and then walk 10 kilometers. I know, it’s a really long way, but it’s a good job that Umbreon is so cute. Right?

Anyway, once you’ve walked the required 10 kilometers, you’ll then need to wait until nighttime before you evolve your Eevee. Nighttime in Pokémon GO is from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. local time. This means that wherever you are in the world, as long as it’s after 8 p.m. where you are, you should be safe to evolve your Eevee and get an Umbreon. 

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