Nacelle’s New Star Trek Figures Are Perfectly Accessorized

1 week ago 3

As io9 has pointed out previously, Star Trek is not your typical sci-fi franchise when it comes to toys. There have been some very weird releases over the years, made even more notable by the fact that Trek figures just aren’t as prolific as, say, the constant stream of merch that pours out of the galaxy far, far away.

That means these new Nacelle figures, spotlighting less-obvious characters as well as beloved crew members in specific contexts, have been on the minds of fans and collectors since they were announced at last year’s New York Comic Con. Now they’re inching closer to your shelf by going on pre-order today. In a press release, Nacelle founder and CEO Brian Volk-Weiss said he was thrilled by the “overwhelmingly positive response” from Trek fans so far on the release; this is touted as just the first wave of figures, with a second wave (created using the help of fan suggestions) to be announced soon.

Who will join the line-up next remains to be seen, but as for now, here are close-up looks at the eight releases in the first wave. (We used the shots with the accessories included because they’re just so good.) They’re expected to ship in October, and will run you $29 for individual figures, or $225 for the full set. Pre-order details can be found at Nacelle Store.

Weyoun, Deep Space Nine

Weyoun© Nacelle

“As the cunning and loyal Vorta representative of the Dominion, Weyoun is both a master diplomat and a cunning enforcer,” Nacelle’s description for this figure reads. But he’s not entirely without fun: he does come with a smiling option, half a pepperoni pizza and a pair of chopsticks, as well as a supply of Ketracel White.

Valkris, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Valkris© Nacelle

The Klingon operative, doomed partner of Kruge, comes with a tiny Genesis Device that unfortunately, or at least probably, will not create new planets or resurrect heroic Vulcans.

Tuvix, Star Trek: Voyager

Tuvix© Nacelle

A two-in-one character (three-in-one if you count the flower), yanked straight out of what’s still one of the most controversial Star Trek episodes ever among fans and the actual cast members alike!

Captain Sulu, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Sulu© Nacelle

The beloved original character comes with a variety of phasers and communicators from different Trek projects, but you know you’re gonna keep Sulu posed with his cup and saucer in hand, about to take his next sip.

Captain Garrett, Star Trek: The Next Generation, “Yesterday’s Enterprise”

Rachel 2© Nacelle

Yes, a younger version of her character did pop up in Section 31, but most fans would prefer to remember Rachel Garrett from her standout TNG episode. That battle-scarred head (“to capture her final, resolute moments,” Nacelle writes) is certainly a harrowing inclusion.

Midshipman Peter Preston, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Preston© Nacelle

Another macabre alt-head, for another brave yet unfortunate hero.

Captain Jellico, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Jellico© Nacelle

You even get Picard’s fishbowl, so you can re-create the scene where Jellico orders it removed from the ready room on the Enterprise-D.

Mirror Archer, Star Trek: Enterprise, “In a Mirror, Darkly”

Archer 5© Nacelle

Comes complete with appropriately evil-looking Mirror Universe beverages! An essential addition for Scott Bakula fans as well as Trek fans, at least until someone steps up with the Quantum Leap figures the world is sorely lacking.

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