Nightmare Kart is getting a free DLC, but Sony's plague ridden rats have come for Bloodborne PSX

1 month ago 9

"Nightmare Karts Fine tho. I want to clarify"

A 3D kart racer with pixellated textures in a gothic setting in Nightmare Kart. Image credit: LWMedia

Would you like the good or the bad news first? Obviously I can't actually respond to that, so I'll just do the bad news first and if you chose differently you can always tip your monitor upside down, hang from the ceiling, or just work your way up the article from the bottom: tributary horror demake Bloodborne PSX is no more. As reported by The Verge (thanks PC Gamer), LW Media's Lilith Walther has received a copyright takedown notice from firm MarkScan on behalf of Sony Interactive, accusing Bloodborne PSX of 'digital piracy'. The game was previously available on Itch for three years without issue.

This follows a recent DMCA takedown of a YouTube video promoting Bloodborne PSX, as chronicled by noted good modsman Lance McDonald below. As McDonald mentions, MarkScan were also responsible for another recent strike against his own 60fps Bloodborne mod, which had been available without issue since 2021.

A Lance McDonald tweet explaining Sony takedowns of Bloodborne PSX. Image credit: Lance McDonald/The Verge

Here is an animated recap of events by Walther herself.

These events seem doubly abrupt and misguided in light of the fact that Sony previously gave Walther their blessing to release Nightmare Kart following a few changes, notably the title from 'Bloodborne Kart'. Could MarkScan perhaps be acting a touch overzealously here? From The Verge:

MarkScan has previously made headlines for taking down World Cup sites that weren’t even streaming the World Cup, and asking Google to remove some of Sony’s own websites on Sony’s behalf.

As is generally the case whenever they see a.) a cathedral in real life b.) a British person looking a bit under the weather or c.) a normal rat, some fans have broken out the Bloodbornium and declared these events undeniable portents that it is, once again, huffin' season. A brief mention of Bloodborne in Sony's recent 30th anniversary video helped stoke these fires.

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