Ah Ditto, the “transform Pokémon” with the creepy little dots for eyes and the power to become literally any other Pokémon. Is it any wonder that this living amorphous blob proves elusive to Pokémon GO?
Ditto is the master of disguise. At any time, it can transform into any other Pokémon, and that can pose a problem if you hunt it in Pokémon GO. Thankfully, Niantic has made it slightly easier by limiting the number of Pokémon that Ditto can become, although this list does change every so often.
Finding Ditto in the first place can prove to be something of a nightmare because it never shows up in its own skin, and that’s without throwing in the hunt for a nice, blue, shiny one. Here’s what Pokémon Ditto can show up as right now in Pokémon GO, how you can get a shiny one, and why it might just be worth the effort.
Pokémon GO Ditto disguise list (February 2025)

As of February 2025, there are eleven possible Pokémon that could turn out to be a Ditto in disguise:
- Oddish (Kanto)
- Coffing (Kanto)
- Rhyhorn (Kanto)
- Goldeen (Kanto)
- Spinarak (Johto)
- Numel (Hoenn)
- Bidoof (Sinnoh)
- Gothita (Unova)
- Solosis (Unova)
- Bergmite (Kalos)
- Stufful (Alola)
While hunting these Pokémon in particular, if you get an “Oh?” prompt after catching one, then well done, you’ve successfully captured a Ditto!
If you happen to encounter a shiny version of any of the above-mentioned Pokémon, don’t worry, you’re not about to lose out on a rare shiny, but you’re not going to end up with a shiny Ditto, either. Shiny Pokémon will never turn out to be a Ditto.
How to catch a shiny Ditto in Pokémon GO

Here’s the good news: You have around a one in 50 chance to catch a shiny Ditto every time one of the Pokémon mentioned above turns out to be a Ditto. Sadly, that’s where the good news ends.
Catching a shiny Ditto is almost impossibly hard, and the odds are stacked against you. Not only do you have to get lucky and encounter one of the listed Pokémon and have it turn out to be a Ditto in the first place, but then you have to overcome another set of odds to have that Ditto turn out to be shiny. That’s a lot to overcome.
Thankfully, there are some things that you can do to increase your chances:
- Use Lure Modules to attract wild Pokémon directly to you
- Put down an Incense at a nearby Pokéstop to attract wild Pokémon to it
- Make sure to use your Daily Adventure Incense every day
None of this is a guarantee that Ditto will make an appearance, but you will significantly increase your chances of finding one as long as you keep encountering wild Pokémon.
Why hunt Ditto in Pokémon GO?
There are a couple of reasons that Ditto is worth capturing in Pokémon GO, outside of the fact that it’s weirdly cute, but the most useful thing about this beady-eyed pocket monster is its behavior during Gym Battles.
When placed into a Gym, Ditto will adopt the form of the first Pokémon it goes up against, adopting its appearance and move set, although sadly not its CP or other general stats. An unfortunate (although darkly funny) side effect to this behavior is that when two Dittos end up facing off against each other, neither will transform, and both will only be able to use “Struggle.”
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