Gibson originally claimed that she had several cancers, including those of the blood, brain, liver, spleen, and uterus. She also said that she turned to eating whole foods and using alternative therapies to cure herself.
Gibson built up a big following online, wrote a cookbook, and even launched an app called The Whole Pantry, before she was exposed in 2015. A friend of Gibson's named Chanelle McAuliffe (we'll get to her in a second) ended up noticing inconsistencies in her story and alerted two investigative journalists at Australia's The Age of her suspicions.
Those reporters, Beau Donelly and Nick Toscano, discovered that money that Gibson had promised to give to charity — 25 percent of her company's profits, to be exact — was never donated. Things unraveled from there.
Gibson originally tried to cover her tracks, claiming during a 2015 "60 Minutes" interview that she was misdiagnosed with cancer by a doctor named Mark Johns, who she said showed her fake scans to make her believe that she had cancer. She also said that she believed she had cancer until a few months before the interview.
But Gibson later admitted to The Australian Women's Weekly in 2015, per The Guardian, that she had lied. "None of it's true," she said. "I don't want forgiveness. I just think [speaking out] was the responsible thing to do. Above anything, I would like people to say, 'OK, she's human.'"
Gibson was investigated by Australian authorities and was fined $410,000 for misleading and deceptive conduct, according to ABC News. While her home has been raided multiple times, Gibson still has not paid the money she owes, per The Guardian.
In 2020, a video obtained by ABC News showed Gibson claiming that she was "adopted" by Ethiopia's Oromo community in Melbourne. She also went by the name, Sabontu. "My heart is deeply embedded in the Oromo people, I feel blessed to be adopted by you," she said in the video. Gibson was asked to leave the community once her true identity was revealed, per Women's Weekly. It's unclear where she is now, although she's believed to still be living in Australia.