Looking for the most recent Wordle answer? Click here for today's Wordle hints, as well as our daily answers and hints for The New York Times Mini Crossword, Connections, Connections: Sports Edition and Strands puzzles.
Whoa. Today's Wordle answer is one letter away from my favorite starter word! As you can imagine, I was stunned to see almost all the letters fill themselves in with my first guess. I chose my favorite starter words based on the most commonly used letters in the English language -- see our ranked list for the order. If you need hints and the answer to today's Wordle puzzle, read on.
Today's Wordle hints
Before we show you today's Wordle answer, we'll give you some hints. If you don't want a spoiler, look away now.
Wordle hint No. 1: Repeats
Today's Wordle answer has no repeated letters.
Wordle hint No. 2: Vowels
There are two vowels in today's Wordle answer.
Wordle hint No. 3: Start letter
Today's Wordle answer begins with the letter T.
Wordle hint No. 4: Hiking
Today's Wordle answer can refer something sought out by hikers.
Wordle hint No. 5: Meaning
Today's Wordle answer can mean a path or unpaved road.
Today's Wordle answer is TRAIL.
Yesterday's Wordle answer
Yesterday's Wordle answer, Feb. 16, No. 1,338, was SUAVE.
Recent Wordle answers
Feb. 12, No. 1,334: RAPID
Feb. 13, No. 1,335: RUMBA
Feb. 14, No. 1,336: DITTY
Feb. 15, No. 1,337: CROOK