Ultimate Verse Piece Swords Guide & Tier List [Vergil Rerun]

1 month ago 5
Sung Jin Woo sword in Verse Piece Roblox experienceZ (40,200 DMG) – Multiple AoE slashes and a slam
X (36,000 DMG) – Long-range thrust attack
C (42,800 DMG) – A flurry of slashes in front of you
V (58,700 DMG) – You become invulnerable and slash around everywhere in a large area
F – You summon Igris to fight alongside you until you kill one enemy• Purchased from Sung Jin Woo Teacher NPC on Starter Island
• Cost: 10,000 Gems, 1 Basaka Dagger, 1 Knight Dagger
• Requirements: 2nd Awakening title, Monarch traitToji V2 (Unleashed) sword in Verse Piece Roblox experienceZ (40,200 DMG) – Multiple AoE slashes and a slam
X (36,000 DMG) – Long-range thrust attack
C (42,800 DMG) – A flurry of slashes in front of you
V (58,700 DMG) – You become invulnerable and slash around everywhere in a large area• Purchased from Toji Unleashed Teacher NPC in Jujutsu Village
• Cost: 10,000 Gems, 1 Heavenly Spear, 1 Split Soul Katana, 1 Curse Worm
• Requirements: Rejected Zenin trait, Truthseeker race, Toji swordYoriichi sword in Verse Piece Roblox experienceZ (43,900 DMG) – A huge blast in front of you
X (55,600 DMG) – Flames for around you before you dash forward and do a double slash
C (49,700 DMG) – Vertical slashing slam attack
V (114,200 DMG) – Numerous slashes in a large area around you• Place among the top five on the Endless Dungeon leaderboardZenitsu sword in Verse Piece Roblox experienceZ (25,100 DMG) – Medium-range forward dash
X (18,800 DMG) – A barrage of slashes in front of you
C (25,700 DMG) – Long-range beam attack
V (34,200 DMG) – Multiple dashes in an X pattern• Use the Zenitsu material dropped by the Zenitsu BossStarkk V2 (LL) sword in Verse Piece Roblox experienceZ (48,400 DMG) – Barrage of smaller beam attacks
X (42,000 DMG) – Long channeling beam
C (37,700 DMG) – You slice and dash a long distance forwards
V (60,300 DMG) – Double long-range beam attack
F – Increases your sword damage by 25%• Purchased from Stark Los Lobos Teacher NPC in Karakura Town
• Cost: 10,000 Gems, 100 Ressurecion Energy, 100 True Hogyoku, 2 Gun Barrel (Starkk), 2 Handle (Starkk), 1 Los Lobos Core
• Requirements: Starkk word, Los Lobos titleCid V2 sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
Cid v2Z (41,900 DMG) – Multiple short-range slashes around you
X (51,900 DMG) – Slam, followed up by multiple slashes around you
C (42,800 DMG) – A whirlwind of attacks in a large area around you
V (62,800 DMG) – Huge full AoE sky beam barrage around you
F (134,100 DMG) – Huge full AoE blast• Purchased from Shadow Teacher NPC in Frost Town during the night
• Cost: 2 Cid Eyes, 2500 Shadow Fragments, Cid v1, Shadow King trait
• Requirements: Shadow Garden titleKokushibo sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
KokushiboZ (23,400 DMG) – Multiple small but Full AoE slashes around you
X (24,100 DMG) – Slash around you, followed up by throwing out three celestial shurikens
C (25,100 DMG) – Double vertical curtain slash in a 60 degree cone
V (25,100 DMG) – A whirlwind of slashes all around you• Use Kokushibo’s Sword materialRed Mist sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
Red MistZ (20,900 DMG) – Two angled slashes followed by a larger double slash
X (25,100 DMG) – Multiple short-range slashes
C (25,100 DMG) – Short-range cone pull
V (33,500 DMG) – Single large slash around you
F – Buffs your damage by 40% for a short duration• Obtained by using Mimicry material (Purchased from Dungeon Medal Exchanger NPC for 250 Dungeon Medals)Butterfiles sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
ButterfliesZ (23,900 DMG) – Multiple short-range beams
X (25,100 DMG) – Medium-range cone shot
C (24,300 DMG) – Multiple medium-range cone shots
V (30,100 DMG) – Forward barrage of butterflies
F – Buffs the sword’s damage by 40% for a short duration• Purchased from Butterflies Teacher on the Runes Island
• Cost: 10,000 Gems, 100 Death Butterflies, 1 Solemn, and 1 LamentVergil sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
VergilZ (2,515 DMG) – Backwards evade
X (13,413 DMG) – Multiple small slashes around you
C (16,766 DMG) – Small burst of fire around you, followed up by a huge full AoE slash
V (25,150 DMG) – Huge AoE barrage from the sky• Purchased from Vergil Teacher on Runes Island
• Cost: 5,000¥, 1 Yamato’s Sword, 1 Motived Chair
• Requirements: The Alpha & The Omega traitCid V1 sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
Cid v1Z (9,146 DMG) – Full AoE slash
X (9,146 DMG) – Slam, followed up by multiple slashes around you
C (11,404 DMG) – A whirlwind of attacks in a large area around you
V (13,720 DMG) – Huge full AoE sky beam barrage around you• Obtained by trading 1000 Shadow Fragments to the Shadow Raid exchange NPC
• 1% chance to drop from the Shadow Castle Dungeon boss as a material that can be used to get the swordAlucard sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
AlucardPassive – You heal when you land moves
Z (12,577 DMG) – Short-range barrage
X (9,004 DMG) – Cone of frost that freezes enemies
C (9,861 DMG) – Huge AoE vertical beam
V (10,005 DMG) – Multiple large full AoE novas around you that freeze• Crafted at the Crafter NPC
• Requirements: Alucard Blood, Casull, Jackal, and Vampire raceAnubis sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
AnubisZ (8,632 DMG) – Multiple small AoE slashes
X (9,489 DMG) – Long dash forward ending with a double slash
C (8,003 DMG) – Forward AoE pull
V (16,063 DMG) – Full AoE whirlwind slashes around you• Crafted at the Crafter NPC
• Requirements: 5,000 Gems, 1 Anubis Sword, and 10 Curse AuraRowan sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
RowanZ (8,575 DMG) – Forward-moving boomerang that returns to you
X (8,575 DMG) – Huge AoE slam followed up by a slash
C (10,290 DMG) – Slash, followed up by three fires fired in a cone• Obtained by opening Halloween chests or by purchasing it from the Halloween NPC for CandyIchigo sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
IchigoZ (15,090 DMG) – Multiple huge AoE slashes
X (13,413 DMG) – Single large vertical slash
C (16,766 DMG) – Long-range shadow curtain• Purchased from Ichigo Teacher on the Boss Island
• Cost: 1 Zangetsu, 1 Zangetsu Handle, 1 Zangetsu Blade, and 1 Zangetsu HiltShusui sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
ShusuiZ (8,574 DMG) – Full AoE tornado around you
X (8,574 DMG) – Long-range beam that explodes on hit
C (9,146 DMG) – Long dash forward• Purchased from Shusui Master that spawns randomly every 5 minutes
• Cost: 5,000,000¥Maki sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
MakiZ (6,860 DMG) – Huge AoE forward slash
X (8,575 DMG) – Long forward-traveling sky beams
C (6,860 DMG) – Multiple forward slashes• Purchased from Maki Teacher in Jujutsu Village
• Cost: 5,000 Gems and 1 Split Soul Katana
• Requirements: Zenin traitStarkk sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
StarkkZ (5,145 DMG) – Short forward beam
X (6,288 DMG) – A barrage of short beams around you
C (8,574 DMG) – A barrage of short beams focused on a point in front of you• Purchased from Starkk Teacher on the Beach isle
• Cost: 5,000 Gems, 1 Resurrection Energy, 2 Gun Barrels, 2 Handles, and 5 True HogsToji sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
TojiZ (4,573 DMG) – Double slash
X (4,573 DMG) – Multiple medium-sized AoE slashes around you
C (5,145 DMG) – Huge AoE dash forward• Purchased from Toji Teacher in Desert Town
• Cost: 2,500 Gems, 1 Heavenly Spear
• Requirements: Heavenly Restriction traitGrimmjow sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
GrimmjowZ (4,030 DMG) – Short-range push
X (5,037 DMG) – Huge full AoE whirlwind around you
C (3,358 DMG) – Two claw attacks followed up by a slash around you• Unavailable (Previously obtained by talking to Grimmjow Teacher in Frost Town after liking the game and joining the Vermillion group)Rengoku sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
RengokuZ (5,780 DMG) – Huge vertical angled slash
X (7,149 DMG) – Medium AoE dash forward• Unobtainable (Previously available by redeeming a code)Kashimo sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
KashimoZ (3,430 DMG) – Medium-sized forward push
X (3,430 DMG) – Beam strike
C (5,145 DMG) – Long-distance forward dash• 5% chance to drop when defeating Kashimo BossExcalibur sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
ExcaliburZ (4,001 DMG) – Full AoE slash around you
X (5,716 DMG) – Long forward slash• Purchased from Saber in Snow Village
• Cost: 2,500 Gems, 20 Goblets, and 5 Light Shards
YoruZ (4,191 DMG) – Angled slash that travels forward
X (3,353 DMG) – Full AoE slash around you• Purchased from the Yoru Teacher in Snow Village
• Cost: 25,000¥, 30 Black Iron, and 25 WoodSaber sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
SaberZ (3,430 DMG) – Double slash that travels forward
X (4,001 DMG) – Multiple medium-sized AoE slashes• Purchased from Shanks Teacher on Jungle Island
• Requirements: 1000 Reputation/Bounty
• Cost: 1,500 GemsKatana sword in Verse Piece Roblox experience
KatanaZ (1,676 DMG) – Projectile that deals a small amount of damage• Purchased from Katana Seller on Starter Island
• Cost: 2,500¥, 10 Wood, and 5 Iron
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